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Falling Objects

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our wishes

If there's really such thing as a fairy that could grant you three wishes,how nice would it be...If a fairy could grant me three wishes,I would wish for: 
  1. My family will always stay healthy.
  2. My family would always be happy.(no fighting with each other)
  3. MONEY OF COURSE.Rich babe...lolx.
If these three wishes are granted..wa lau..my life would be much much much easier..no financial problem..no family problem...only need to worry about school..lolx.         
If a fairy could grant me 3 wishes.. I would wish for:
  3. and MORE WISHES!! XD
If the fairy could grant me these wishes,my family would always stay healthy and they would always be happy which will make me HAPPY TOO!! XP and of 
course,I would like to have more wishes!!Muahahaha!! =D

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