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Falling Objects

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Andrea's house

During CNY holiday,I finally went to Andrea's house. You see,even though we've been friends since Year 3,i haven't go to her house before. I meant her house which is at Klang. 

It is nice and big. I asked my mum whether i can go visit Andrea at Klang or not since it is Chinese New Year and she allowed me. I just go there and lepak at her house. First, we played ps in her mum's room. It have been ages since i play ps. It was fun playing with her. After that we watched a movie called 'Orphan'. Quite nice.Then, her parents had brought back some Domino's pizza. It was nice and delicious. 

After that, we played badminton for a while. Just for a while because the weather was so windy that time,so we cannot play. However, i also did something that i did in ages. WE PLAYED AT THE PLAYGROUND. So childish right? LOL. But who cares, It is childish but fun. And check it out, we even took some pictures. 


Sadly, i got to leave after that. Even though, it seems very boring but i like it. It's nice to lepak with her. LOLX...

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