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Falling Objects

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nothin' to do..

Well, I didn't update my blog very long liao because i really do not know what to write. Haha.. Talk about what leh..How about songs??? I LURVE hearing songs.. So far my favourite one is Tik Tok by Kesha. SO NICE!! I'm not bored with this song YET. Lol.. Whenever i hear the same song too many times, I'll get bored with it and if there is no more songs that I like..I'm telling u..I'LL BE SO DAMN SIAN!!!! Can go crazy one u know..For example now..I'm so bored. Don't know what to do!! Haiz..When I'm bored, I'll be moody and I get angry very easily. XD So, don't mess with me when im not in the mood. Haha..That's all for now!!! Buhbye!! =DDDD

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