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Falling Objects

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gasing Hill

Today my mum, dad, their friend, Uncle Lee and I went to PJ to 'par san'. I think its called Gasing Hill. Not very sure coz i cant find any freaking signboard. Anyway, it was SO TIRING!!! Worse than the frim trip. Gosh.. They walked so fast. T__T The worst part was, yesterday rained, so it was so slippery. I NEARLY FELL DOWN!! THANK GOD THERE WAS A LIL TREE THERE!! THANK YOU TREE!!! YOU SAVED MY LIFE!! ( i still cant believe that i actually touched you) :') and if i did fall, i think i would have died coz it was so steep!! I might knock my head and have concussion or some internal bleeding. D: Oh ya, one more thing. Today........... is my hubby's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday, we took part in a singing competition. Those who are in our group are Gabriel, Meagan, Shannon, Porvin, me, Andrea, Tharani, Aiswarya , Liandra and Thivia. Puan Sharon was the one taught us how to sing. So, yesterday was the competition. I wore a green baju kurung which makes me look like a tree. Andrea wore a kebaya and all the girls in the group must pin a hibiscus at our hair. Others groups were quite good especially the group that used guitar and violin. But they got messed up a little bit. Still, to me and Andrea, they are considered very good and I thought they will win the first place. So, we thought the best we can get is only the third place. Who knows miracle does happen. WE GOT THE FIRST PLACE!! Like the host said,'mungkin nombor 1 membawa tuah' and we are group number 1.We won three hampers but all the hampers are the same. Today, we went to Puan Sharon's place during recess and open the hampers. We distributed all the foods inside. So, that's all. I am so sorry. I really don't know what else to write.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

FRIM trip

On Saturday, my school had a trip to FRIM. It was tiring but fun and AWESOME!! This was my first time went for jungle tracking. Jungle tracking was very tiring but challenging. I like it when we have to climb over and under those tree trunk. Lucky  I brought mosquito repellent along because there are so many huge mosquitoes. But I still got bitten by them.

Anyway, we went to school around 7 morning and had our breakfast. We started our journey to FRIM around 8 and reached there around 9. Then, we went jungle tracking for like..hours( I don't know how long). There's a tour guide to guide us around the forest. He also told us about the history of some of the trees there. Then we climbed up for metres for the canopy walk. It was so exhausting. I had no idea how our tour  guide who I think is around 50 years old, can climb up so fast and don't look tire all.Perhaps he did these kind of things every day. Finally, we reached the for canopy walk. I like canopy walking. It was fun. 

After that, we walk or climb down to our next place which is the waterfall. I almost rolled down when I was walking down. There ground was like so slippery and muddy and full of rocks. When I was climbing down, I suddenly can't stop myself and BUMP!! I accidentally stepped my wife's leg. OUCH. I am so sorry. Lucky she was in front of me, if not...say goodbye to me. 

After all the ups and downs, we finally reached the waterfall. But we only played for a while. The water is so cold and refreshing. Then we have our lunch and teacher allowed us to play in the water. Andrea and I were planning to just walk around in the water and NOT SOAKED IN THE WATER because we just brought extra shirt only. We got no extra pants. But thanks to Harish for splashing water at us, we are SOAKED. Thanks a lot Harish. We played in the water for a while only and we got to go home. We reached school around 4 p.m. 

Now, let the pictures do the talking.

The trees in the forest. So beautiful.
Catherine,Qao Minn, Liandra and Jo-Yen

The picture we took from the canopy walk.
                                                          This is our tour guide.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A date!!!

A DATE!!! With who??!! Of course with my darling Andrea la. AT..............................school. LOLx. Well, yesterday, Andrea and I had a date. Not really a date but something like a date. It's a date at school. I went to her house early in the morning which was like about 7 a.m. Then 7 something we walked to school together for koko.

After koko, we went for a movie 'Knight and Day' at our school's bilik tayangan. The movie was like...ahem..not that nice. Perhaps if we watch it at the cinema it will be so much better cause the quality of the movie we watched at school was like....DAMN LOW QUALITY. I know that it wouldn't be clear cause the movie is quite new. So, the pirated CD or DVD would not be clear unless you buy the original DVD. But, I never thought the movie would be like...JUST BLACK AND WHITE!! It is so.........haiz. I don't know what to say about it. The movie was normal to me. Not that nice anyway. But I can say, TOM CRUISE IS SO HAWT!! But he's old already. LoL.

Then after the movie, we went to SMC to have some food before the school starts. After eating, we went back to school. After school, we got tuition at 8.30p.m which means we are going to meet again. So basically, we have been meeting each other for like..Ermm..
Let me see, from 7 in the morning until 6.40 in the evening. Then at night at tuition from 8.30 to 10 p.m. Wow.I saw her more than my own sisters that day.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Movie Marathon

Do you guys love movie marathons?? I SIMPLY DO!! xD These are the few movies I've watched. First of all, last Saturday I went to Sunway Pyramid with my aunt, her friend and my bro to watched the back-up plan.18PL!! Haha.. One word to describe this movie... HILARIOUS!! :D That guy quite hawt. xD

After watching that movie, we went to my aunt's house to watch 'Hairspray'. I know this movie is quite old but I have not seen it!! xD Not nice one.. Lol.
The next day, we went to watch 'Frozen'. 18PL also. Haha.. IT'S SCARY!! The movie not that nice anyway. Kind of regreted for watching that movie instead of 'The A Team'. Haiz. xD   
 After that, I watched this movie 'Hachiko'. SO SAD!! Make sure you got a tissue box next to you when you watch this movie. Poor Hachi.. Such a faithful doggie..
My bro watched this movie 'Shutter Island'. Looks boring so I didn't really watch it. See a bit only. Haha..
These are the movies I watched at the cinema for the last 2 to 3 weeks I think. TOY STORY 3!! SO NICE. I LURVE Buzz's Spanish mode.
I've also watched 'Karate Kid'. SO NICE!!
and.. finally..the WORST movie. The Legend is Born-Ip Man. NOT NICE!! DON'T SEE!! xD Donnie Yen didn't act in this movie. Sob. His Wing Chun kung fu is still the BEST. xD 
That's all!! :D Bye bye..

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm a very very VERY bad actress

Haiz.. Last Thursday, Maegan, Ee Ling, An yee, Weng Wah and I acted out a drama called 'The Phantom Of The Opera'. I WAS SO FREAKING NERVOUS!!! I kept laughing and i can't speak. I even forgotten some of my lines. I tried my best not to laugh but I just couldn't stop. Yesterday, another group acted the same chapter as we did and theirs was WAY BETTER! I feel really really bad. I kept apologising to Maegan and she said 'it's ok' but i know it's not!! Even when I asked Maegan something, I can see that she's not happy talking to me. She HATES me!! Now whenever I see her, I feel like crying. She does not say hi to me like she usually does. SOB!! T_________T I'm really really sorry Maegan. Please forgive me.....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bake a cake :D

I baked my very first cake for my grandma's birthday. It turned out to be a disaster. It was awful. It's as hard as a rock but surprisingly my grandma likes it. D: I was very happy to hear that. xD This was the cake I bake for my grandma with my mum's help.
                                 Does it look good?? xP
My mum and I were not satisfied so we called my aunt(she's really really GOOD at cooking) We wanted to know which part we went wrong. We followed her instructions and we baked another cake. It was a SUCCESS!!! =D I was so happy when i found out my sponge cake is not hard. xD Today, I baked another cake without my mum's help at all!! Well, maybe a little but its just the baking part. It was even softer than the previous cake but lack of pandan. Oops!! 
It looks weird without the icing. I'm gonna learn how to make icing and my cake would be purrrfect!! Not exactly perfect but way way WAY better than my first one. Lol

This was the cake we BOUGHT for my uncle's birthday. How I wish i could do that. xD