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Falling Objects

Friday, April 23, 2010


Whoo hoo..Today was a very very happy day. Until now I still can't get over it yet. Not even Mr Tan 8 karangan can ruin it. Today, we had a drama practice at school at 12.00. We have tuition class from 8 to 11 morning. After tuition, me, Andrea and Elisa decided to eat at somewhere near by, buy something and go to school after that. But, something like last Friday had happened today. But it was better.

Last Friday, the three of us ate at SMC after tuition. While eating, we saw Mr Caleb, our tuition English teacher. We asked him to eat with us. So, he sat down and ate with us. We talked a lot while we were together. It was FUN!!!!!!!!! I've never eat with my teacher  before. Wait.. Perhaps got. When I was standard 6.  But that was different. That time there were like a group of students teachers eating together. This time were just me, Andrea, Elisa and Mr Caleb.

Today, the three of us were deciding where to eat after tuition class. Then, Mr Caleb was there and he heard us. He asked us where were we going to eat. He said that we can eat together again like last Friday. But, he said that this time he can drive us to Vanilla there to eat. We agreed and went into his VIOS. LOL. He drove us to a restaurant and we ate there. We talked and laughed a lot. That was just so much fun even though we just recieved 8 karangan from Mr Tan. 

After that, he dropped us at school and gone home. That was just too much fun. Andrea and I also did something that  we haven't did for ages. We played recorder together. That really brought back a lot of sweet memories. We tried to play Canon and When You  Believe again. It was just so much fun. I know that to some people, these activities are like nothing and boring. But to me, these are sweet memories that I'll never forget.

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