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Falling Objects

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I hate it when I do not know what's the title. XD

  Well, last Tuesday, Ee Ling, Elisa, Kylie and my hubby(An Yee XD) came to my house. We were supposed to go jogging at 8 in the morning because we were afraid it would be hot and we will be tan. D= Unfortunately, Elisa was late. Ish.. She arrived at Ee Ling's house at around 8.30am When we told her we can start to jog, she told us that she cant join us because the night before that she had taekwando and her foot hurts. We were so disappointed. So, Ee Ling decided not to jog with us and accompanied Elisa. Awww.. So kind of her. XD 
  Then, we started to jog and i'm so proud of myself because I did not stop even though i was panting so hard that I can hardly breathe. XD After that, we played badminton. YAY!! It was fun but the wind was kinda annoying and Ee Ling's shuttlecock was horrible. It can hardly fly. Hehe.. All of a sudden, an old man came with his bicycle and stopped to look at us play. We felt a bit awkward but we did not reli care because we thought he would go away but he didn't!! He even sat down and watched us. \(>__<)/
  When we finally stopped playing and left the playground, he left too. =.=" We all walked to 7-11 after that to buy slurpee because we were thirsty and we wanted to drink that because very long never drink liao. haha. On the way there, we were hearing and singing songs. Hahaha.. When we reached home, the first thing we did was to check whether did we lose weight. XP I immediately bathe and after that, my hubby bathe. Then, we started to draw a poster but we couldn't finish it because we talked TOO MUCH!! XD We were nearly late for school also. Hahahahaha. That's all! THE END!! That was an awesome day. Just want to share it with you guys!! =D

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