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Falling Objects

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our nightmare is over!

EXAM IS OVER!!! I know i'm kinda late posting this because i'm kinda sick of playing computer. It's so boring. xD Anyway, yesterday, Renee,Elisa,Areecca,An Yee and I went to Pizza Hut. When we got there, we were the only ones there which was like so weird. Yvonne couldn't make it but she was the one that planned this whole thingy and now she's not here. URGH!! Back to the Pizza Hut. We were like making so much noises in there. After we ordered our food,we started talking and laughing. After some time, there were people coming in. Elisa was so happy and she said"FINALLY!! We're not alone".Lol. After we finished eating, we started playing with our phones. I took Elisa's and Areecca's phone(they are having the same phone,same colour. Awesome) and started sending songs to my phone. XD When we finally managed to get our butts off the chair, we walked to 100yen. I didn't know it was that FAR!! My goodness. We bought that ice thingy. So NICE and SMOOTH!! Haha.. After that, we went to Save More and bought some snacks. Elisa called her dad to pick us from 100yen and drop us at An Yee's hse. We watched this movie'Coming Soon' and Elisa was very annoyed with their direct translation subtitle so we change the movie. We watched 'Unborn'. IT WAS SO FREAKING SCARY!! Only I think it was because everyone seem so calm and I'm the only one screaming. xP When the movie was finally over, we watched Valentine's Day. Taylor Swift was so funny. She carries her BIG WHITE BEAR everywhere she goes. LOL. I SERIOUSLY REGRETED WATCHING THE GHOST MOVIE, UNBORN BECAUSE AT NIGHT, I DON'T DARE TO GO INTO THE TOILET AND I CAN'T SLEEP!! Sob. Anyway, it was nice hanging out together during the holidays. It would be better if Yvonne was around..

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