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Falling Objects

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm a very very VERY bad actress

Haiz.. Last Thursday, Maegan, Ee Ling, An yee, Weng Wah and I acted out a drama called 'The Phantom Of The Opera'. I WAS SO FREAKING NERVOUS!!! I kept laughing and i can't speak. I even forgotten some of my lines. I tried my best not to laugh but I just couldn't stop. Yesterday, another group acted the same chapter as we did and theirs was WAY BETTER! I feel really really bad. I kept apologising to Maegan and she said 'it's ok' but i know it's not!! Even when I asked Maegan something, I can see that she's not happy talking to me. She HATES me!! Now whenever I see her, I feel like crying. She does not say hi to me like she usually does. SOB!! T_________T I'm really really sorry Maegan. Please forgive me.....

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