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Falling Objects

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Movie Marathon

Do you guys love movie marathons?? I SIMPLY DO!! xD These are the few movies I've watched. First of all, last Saturday I went to Sunway Pyramid with my aunt, her friend and my bro to watched the back-up plan.18PL!! Haha.. One word to describe this movie... HILARIOUS!! :D That guy quite hawt. xD

After watching that movie, we went to my aunt's house to watch 'Hairspray'. I know this movie is quite old but I have not seen it!! xD Not nice one.. Lol.
The next day, we went to watch 'Frozen'. 18PL also. Haha.. IT'S SCARY!! The movie not that nice anyway. Kind of regreted for watching that movie instead of 'The A Team'. Haiz. xD   
 After that, I watched this movie 'Hachiko'. SO SAD!! Make sure you got a tissue box next to you when you watch this movie. Poor Hachi.. Such a faithful doggie..
My bro watched this movie 'Shutter Island'. Looks boring so I didn't really watch it. See a bit only. Haha..
These are the movies I watched at the cinema for the last 2 to 3 weeks I think. TOY STORY 3!! SO NICE. I LURVE Buzz's Spanish mode.
I've also watched 'Karate Kid'. SO NICE!!
and.. finally..the WORST movie. The Legend is Born-Ip Man. NOT NICE!! DON'T SEE!! xD Donnie Yen didn't act in this movie. Sob. His Wing Chun kung fu is still the BEST. xD 
That's all!! :D Bye bye..

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